Friday, December 31, 2010

Family Photos

We had some awesome family pictures taken while the whole family was together... A preview:

The boys, er, um, MEN, bored out of their minds:

They were watching us do this:

Despite the fact that we were having family pictures taken, we still managed to have some fun:

I LOVE this picture of LoloNes and LolaBe:

Awww... Tender!

Noah and Juris exploring the library:

My sweet, sweet boy:

Trying our best to wrangle Noah into taking a good picture. We didn't exactly "wrangle," but we did manage to take a good picture:

And this picture makes my heart melt:

The whole fam-damily. Together at last! Now to get Vangie and her clan to move back...

Monday, December 20, 2010

My goofy boy.

He said his hair was getting in his eyes. Haha!! Sure...