Wednesday, December 30, 2009
And we're potty trained!!
I am going to go ahead and test my luck and throw this out there: Noah is potty trained!!! He has pooped in the toilet for FIVE DAYS IN A ROW!! Wow. What a wonderful feeling! :D Last night, as he was pooping, he COUNTED how many were in the toilet, proceeded to tell me that there was a whole family of poop and named them. All of them. Of course, papa was the biggest poop in the toilet.
Yes, Noah, there is a Santa. But, the COOL gifts come from mama and papa!!
This is the first year Noah has really been aware enough to enjoy and appreciate Christmas. Maybe "appreciate" is the wrong word when describing how Noah felt about Christmas this year. Sure, he appreciated the gifts. He appreciated the songs. The lights. The hot cocoa and scones from Winder Dairy. But, he doesn't really appreciate the meaning of Christmas. In fact, we had a little dispute over the very same thing. I tried to tell him that Christmas is when we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Jesus who lives at the church (that's how Noah identifies Jesus). He was adamant that Christmas is time to celebrate Santa. Oh, how that little statement sent my commie blood boiling. You all know how I feel about Christmas and Santa, so I won't rant here. This is a HAPPY blog. A blog about Noah and all the fun things he does and says... I will save my political rants for another day. :D You're welcome. :D

Wearing the cape Aunt Bev made for him for Christmas. This is the take off...
Anyhoo... After that little - ahem - discussion in the car, I was more adamant that Santa was NOT coming to our house. Not this year, not EVER. I lost that battle (more on that later). Instead, I told Noah that Santa was skipping our house because he has Lola, Lolo, Grandma, Grandpa, Auntie Tina, Uncle Josh, and all the aunties and uncles and cousins who would bring him toys and books and clothes, and that Santa only visits those who don't have Lolas or Lolos or Grandmas or Grandpas or anyone else to bring them gifts. I know that you are all thinking that concept is too difficult for a three year old boy to understand... I thought it might be, too. Until... Until James and I took Noah to get his haircut. The nice lady cutting Noah's hair asked him what Santa was bringing him for Christmas. Without prompting, without hesitation, Noah responded "Santa isn't going to come to my house because I will get presents from Lolo, and Lola, and Grandpa, and Grandma, and Auntie Tina, so he's going to go to someone else's house." That made me smile. And hold on to the hope that Christmas WON'T be about gifts for Noah. That Christmas will be much more than that.
But, like I said earlier, I lost the Santa Battle. James convinced me that we should allow Santa in our home because OTHER KIDS will convince Noah that Santa doesn't come to his house because he has been a naughty boy. I don't want Noah to ever think that he is naughty. Moreover, I don't want to give other kids that kind of ammunition against my son. So, I conceded and Santa will come to the Dizon-Maughan household. On one condition. WE give Noah the cool presents. Santa brings the lame ones. :D Ha!! Mama: one; Santa: zero!

Here is sweet little Noah right after he woke up. He ran straight for the tree to open his presents. The one James is handing to him is from Santa.

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Welcome to the world, Jada Ireland Field!
My baby sister had herself another baby this week!! Little (and boy do I mean LITTLE) Jada Ireland Field was born Thursday, November 19. She weighed in at a whopping 5 pounds, 12 ounces and a lengthy 19 inches. No pictures yet, but I will be sure to share as soon as I receive some. (So, Vangie, that means since you are the only person in the world to read this blog, you will see the pictures that you've already seen.)
Congratulations to the Field family! We can't wait to meet the new addition!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Your Eyes Do Not Deceive You... This IS a New Blog Post!!
A lot has happened since July. Namely, Noah has transformed into Buzz Lightyear. And it has been a FULL transformation. Just try calling him "Noah." See if he responds. Well, he responds, just not in the way you would hope. He usually responds with a "I'm not Noah! I'm Buzz Lightyear!" Then he puts his hands on his hips and gives you the three-year old version's look of death. Everyone at school knows him as Buzz Lightyear. It's kind of cute. Kind of.
And given just how cute Noah is as Buzz Lightyear, do you really blame him for wanting to be Buzz?
These pictures were taken at a family Halloween party at the law school. He had a great time getting treats (and I actually let him eat one!), playing with the other kids, and just roaming the haunted halls of the SJQ. We all had a great time!!
Friday, October 16, 2009
We're here!!!
Okay, when I said SOON, I meant before the world came to a crashing end... Not this weekend, perhaps next? Or sometime in December, after finals... Don't give up on me, people!!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Soon, people. Very soon.
Has it really been since JULY? Sorry. Truly, I am. I have two words for you: law school. Wow. Apparently, being a law student takes up a lot of my time. A LOT. So much, in fact, I've not had the time to post to Noah's blog. Or charge my camera battery. But, I assure you - I am on it. I am all over it. I will post something soon. Thanks for hanging in there (Vangie).
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Dance, Baby, Dance!!!
I don't care what you all have to say. I did NOT teach this kid how to dance. Repeat. I did NOT teach this kid how to dance.
Did you see the squinty look on his face? Not my squinty look.
I'm pretty sure that Nana is looking at Noah and thinking, "what is he DOING?"
I. DON'T. KNOW. But, whatever it is, he means business. I feel some big moves coming on... Wait for it. Wait for it. Okay, son. Break out the big moves.

YEAH! I didn't get the finale, unfortunately. I was laughing too hard.
I didn't teach Noah how to take pictures, either. Real Asians know how to take pictures. Right, mom?
I think he was aiming for Auntie Tina and Romnel, but it's hard to tell for sure.
Another one of Auntie Tina, but I have NO idea who is sitting next to her.
Yes, that's Noah's finger. Yes, Auntie Tina's eyes are closed.
We're making some serious progress. No finger in the shot, head mostly included. Nice.
I swear that kid who was dancing in those earlier pictures was wearing these same shorts.
I didn't teach Noah how to take pictures, either. Real Asians know how to take pictures. Right, mom?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Father's Weekend
Father's Day wasn't really Father's Day for the Dizon-Maughan/Maughan family. We had to celebrate ALL WEEKEND. Which was fine with me - you know how much I like going out.
Saturday we had a nice little barbeque with James's friend Cabbot. The day was really rainy, but we made the best of it by going to some outdoor adventure festival thing. Noah made a birdhouse and played miniature golf.

Sunday we started the day off by going to Market Street Grill for Father's Day brunch. Father's Day isn't known for it's brunches, but in my family, when it's papa who always makes breakfast, brunch is a big deal.

(Speaking of brunch, this is the kind of stuff James makes for us. And it was yummy.)

After brunch, we drove to Provo to spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa. Noah found this nice, comfortable chair on the porch.
And it was just right.
Saturday we had a nice little barbeque with James's friend Cabbot. The day was really rainy, but we made the best of it by going to some outdoor adventure festival thing. Noah made a birdhouse and played miniature golf.

Sunday we started the day off by going to Market Street Grill for Father's Day brunch. Father's Day isn't known for it's brunches, but in my family, when it's papa who always makes breakfast, brunch is a big deal.

(Speaking of brunch, this is the kind of stuff James makes for us. And it was yummy.)

After brunch, we drove to Provo to spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa. Noah found this nice, comfortable chair on the porch.

Congratulations, CHANEL!!!!
First, let me say how proud we are of Chanel! She graduated from Mountain High School this past week and James, Noah, Tina and I were able to celebrate with her, her parents and brother Brian.
This picture was taken post-graduation ceremony, which was only an hour and 45 minutes long. Thank goodness for small graduating classes!
Notice the smile on her face? If the ceremony had been any longer, I can guarantee you, she wouldn't have been smiling.

After the ceremony we went to Teppenyaki for some YUMMY Japanese food and entertainment (of course).

Uncle Totoy even goes for the inanimate ones:

You should've seen THIS guy: he was flipping around eggs, cracking them on his flipper thinger, dancing around, it was great. Now, I know what you are thinking - that is what they are SUPPOSED to do, but seriously, this guy had some real energy!

And of course, the obligatory shrimp catching.

Look at Tina's face. Wonder what she's thinking...
Even Noah tried to catch shrimp in his mouth. This is the ONLY picture I took:
He's ducking the shrimp...
After all the excitement, Noah was ready to go home.
This is his "please-mama-get-me-out-of-this-highchair" face.
We're very proud of your accomplishments, Chanel - CONGRATULATIONS!!!

This picture was taken post-graduation ceremony, which was only an hour and 45 minutes long. Thank goodness for small graduating classes!

After the ceremony we went to Teppenyaki for some YUMMY Japanese food and entertainment (of course).

Uncle Totoy even goes for the inanimate ones:

You should've seen THIS guy: he was flipping around eggs, cracking them on his flipper thinger, dancing around, it was great. Now, I know what you are thinking - that is what they are SUPPOSED to do, but seriously, this guy had some real energy!

And of course, the obligatory shrimp catching.

Even Noah tried to catch shrimp in his mouth. This is the ONLY picture I took:

After all the excitement, Noah was ready to go home.

We're very proud of your accomplishments, Chanel - CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009
It's mostly bread!
This is why you can't give a two year old a doughnut for breakfast:
James, being the best daddy in the world, knows that doughnuts first thing in the morning aren't good for little rambunctious two year old boys. James, being the best daddy in the world who just so happens to have purchased some yummy doughnuts and wanted to eat one of those aforementioned doughnuts, tried to do what any reasonable parent would do - he tried to scarf one down without Noah catching him. He wasn't fast enough. Noah saw the contraband goody and told James that he wanted one for breakfast, too. James, knowing that he can't tell Noah no doughnuts for breakfast after he was caught having one for breakfast allowed Noah a few bites from his nearly finished doughnut.
This is a summary of the conversation that occured at LolaBe and LoloNes's house:
LolaBe: Did Noah eat breakfast this morning?
James: *pause* Yes. (Careful not to divulge any information about WHAT Noah had for breakfast.)
Noah: No, Papa! I had a doughnut - that's not breakfast!
James, being the best daddy in the world, knows that doughnuts first thing in the morning aren't good for little rambunctious two year old boys. James, being the best daddy in the world who just so happens to have purchased some yummy doughnuts and wanted to eat one of those aforementioned doughnuts, tried to do what any reasonable parent would do - he tried to scarf one down without Noah catching him. He wasn't fast enough. Noah saw the contraband goody and told James that he wanted one for breakfast, too. James, knowing that he can't tell Noah no doughnuts for breakfast after he was caught having one for breakfast allowed Noah a few bites from his nearly finished doughnut.
This is a summary of the conversation that occured at LolaBe and LoloNes's house:
LolaBe: Did Noah eat breakfast this morning?
James: *pause* Yes. (Careful not to divulge any information about WHAT Noah had for breakfast.)
Noah: No, Papa! I had a doughnut - that's not breakfast!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Da Plane! Da Plane!!


And of course, airplanes:

We also saw this weird midget guy:

And after all that excitement, Noah just had to spend time in his new favorite spot in our house:

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