Monday, September 14, 2009

Soon, people. Very soon.

Has it really been since JULY?  Sorry.  Truly, I am.  I have two words for you: law school.  Wow.  Apparently, being a law student takes up a lot of my time.  A LOT.  So much, in fact, I've not had the time to post to Noah's blog.  Or charge my camera battery.  But, I assure you - I am on it.  I am all over it.  I will post something soon.  Thanks for hanging in there (Vangie).  


  1. ABBY!! I can't believe how big Noah is! What a cool kid. It is so fun to see pics of you and your sisters and James. How is school? Are you going crazy yet? Talk to me!

  2. LOL! I do check this blog and I was ABOUT to give up on it, until I saw your most recent post! Good thing we are friends on Facebook! Keep the blogs coming! I've got to keep in touch somehow!
