Let me introduce you to "The Noah," the boy who never ceases to amaze his mama and papa.
There is "Driver Noah":
Of course, he first has to check his hair.

Finally settling in for the drive.

Watch the road, son!!

The car Noah is "driving" is LoloNes's brand new car. With immaculate seats. Immaculate mirrors and windows. Immaculate until Lolo let Noah "drive" in the church parking lot. Father Rob's sermon must've really moved my dad. Either that, or Noah does not often hear "no" from his LoloNes or LolaBe. It must be the latter...
And to your right is Rocker Noah:
This is what he does when I say, "say cheese!"

Noah must've been listening to some hardcore rock-n-roll. Check out his stance and the look on his face. Classic rocker boy.

And this? Rock star fingers. Rad. Notice the intensity, his commitment to emulating the quintessential a rock star. Impressive. Although, I highly doubt that true rock stars wear Curious George Socks... I could be wrong.

And finally, the sweetest one of them all: Gardner Noah.
What started out as a light misting turned into a heavy, torrential flood of (relatively) high pressured water assailing my poor baby roses and purple-flower-thing.

Time for clean-up.

And that concludes today's tour of the Mysterious Mind of a Two-Year Old Boy Known as Noah.